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Setup Examples
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Setup Examples
Setup Options
Setup Launch
Setup Time
Setup DIPS
Setup Email
Setup Uploader
Setup IPchat
Setup WEBchat
Setup WEBcam
Setup Scanner
Setup Non-Standard Ports
Setup Startup Parameters

Here are the Setup Examples if you are more the learning-by-doing type of user ;-)


If your screen resolution is such (e.g. 640x480) that you can't access all the fields of the Setup window, use the Windows system menu to move around the Setup screen:

ALT+Spacebar, followed by the M-key (for Move) gets you into Windows moving mode: now you can use your cursor keys to position the Setup window. As a last resort you can try to edit the file DynamiP.INI with Notepad (that's ugly, I know...).

After installing DynamIP you might want to run through Quick Setup to make sure all the settings are OK for your environment. Very detailed information about each Setup Tab and the respective options is available on the appropriate Setup page:

Setup Options
Setup Launch
Setup Time
Setup DIPS
Setup Uploader
Setup E-mail
Setup IPchat
Setup WEBchat
Setup WEBcam
Setup Scanner

Advanced users will find additional useful setup information on the following pages:

Non-Standard Ports
Command Line Parameters
Advanced Users
DynamIP as an NT Service

In some cases (e.g. to define non-standard ports or to define dial-up passwords) you might have to edit the file DynamIP.INI directly. Here are a few hints for those who really want to try this:

While DynamIP writes the settings in a specific order to the INI file, the order of the various entries is irrelevant. If (by mistake) you enter the same setting more than once, DynamIP will only read the first occurrence.
Each line with a valid entry must be terminated with a semicolon ";" (without the quotes).
Passwords are encrypted before they are written to the INI file. The encryption algorithm is simple and will not deter somebody who is determined to find out what your passwords are. On the other hand, at least they are not stored in clear text...
If you need to enter a password directly into the INI file, you can precede the (clear text) password with the string "[CLEARTEXT]" (without the quotes). DynamIP will read such passwords as clear text and properly encrypt them the next time the INI file is written. Some additional information regarding passwords for dial-up networking is available here.

Last modified: March 30, 1999
OFFLINEvisitors since May 1, 1998

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